Axway Amplify – Unified catalog bringing producers and consumers together in one place


In the modern enterprise, given all the challenges businesses face, it can be difficult to manage API complexity at scale – gaining complete API visibility while ensuring API security and governance. Axway Amplify can help you manage your various API services and simplify API production and consumption with an open and independent platform for API management.

Axway Amplify provides the unified catalog in SaaS mode which is part of the management layer of the Amplify platform (known as Amplify Central). It also provides a CMS-based client-facing API portal that can be fully deployed on-premises. The API Portal is a Unified Catalog client and API Manager, which gives the business flexibility in its API architecture to meet specific branding, data residency as well as security.

The Unified Catalog includes the following features:

  • It targets both providers and consumers of integration assets, which can range from APIs and events to managed file transfer streams. Amplify’s management layer manages multiple gateway environments that power the Unified Catalog Service. These gateways can also come from another provider.
  • The Unified Catalog enables a business to ensure catalog integrity through automated discovery and management.
  • Each individual environment or API can have its own custom subscription flow through event-driven subscriptions.
  • Each API receives custom documentation via Markdown.
  • It allows selective sharing of the integration with teams and users.
  • It manages applications that consume APIs or other integration resources.
  • The unified catalog helps with tagging, categorizing, searching, and filtering.
  • Views, subscriptions and transactions are measured to give the company an indication of an asset’s popularity.
  • The unified catalog brings producers and consumers together in one place to facilitate reuse and accelerate adoption.

Main characteristics

All of your company’s APIs can be found, tested, and consumed in one place with the Unified Catalog. API traffic volume, response times, and usage for better decision making can be monitored while providing developers with the level of convenience and speed they need.

APIs can be built and tested faster and more efficiently using a single, end-to-end developer portal while leveraging a unified catalog to drive collaboration and avoid duplication.

Teams and partners can gain access to your enterprise APIs while integrating assets into a central unified catalog. This, while being updated in real time.


HM Health Solutions of the United States, which has implemented the Amplify API management platform, could enable its patients to make more informed decisions. Their shared self-service catalog supports 5,000 developers with tight data governance, while faster discovery and use of APIs gives patients better access to care information. A single set of security policies govern API management tools, powering 200 HMBS services. HM Health Solutions further stated that publishing all of its digital services on a central catalog gives its developers an instant overview of APIs already available, reducing duplication of effort and time to market for new products.

Axway is trusted by more than 11,000 companies around the world to increase the value of their legacy technology investments. Amplify will enable your business to leverage APIs for digital transformation while ensuring legacy technology that keeps pace with your digital service needs and customer expectations.


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